Saturday, March 7, 2009

Spring Break

Well today officially started my spring break, meaning I have finished Term 4, thank God, the classes werent hard, just boring. So what am I doing for spring break? I dont really know what im going to do, I havent really thought about it.

So anything about disney this week, nope. Im just waiting for May to come, I cant wait. Its almost killing me, I really cant wait to get there, and school seems to be going by so slow.

So thats all for now, I might make a vLog sometime soon, im sorry if you are wondering why I havent been making them, I really dont have anything disney related to talk about, and I dont want to get on camera and start talking about random things. Thats what the written blog is for... haha

So thats all for now

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Decision Time!

Two decisions were made today regarding Disney and School. One I have decided to go ahead and buy a Mac, but I am going to buy used. I feel like I don't need a fancy new computer from the apple store when I can buy a descent used one for under $700. $1600 or $700, hmm which to pick.

Now on to disney, I have officially decided on where I am going to be staying...


Patterson Square

Yeah everyone is on the Vista vibe, but I find Patterson more appealing. So I cant wait till May, its going to be awsome.

Thats all for now

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


So where should I begin?

Oh I know...... 

My questioning about spending the money and going ahead and buying a MacBook has begun again. I just dont know what to do. I know I will have the financial aid to cover the new computer, but I could save that money for my expenses such as debt I will owe at the end of my days here at Troy. But I know I really need a more reliable computer. I am using a ton of fragments and I am pretty much mubbling about stuff that has nothing to do with disney, but I needed to question myself online.

So on to disney stuff, well nothing much has happened since my letter has arrived. Im sorry I havent been vloging, but I really dont have anything to vlog or even blog about. Nothing really is going on other than T3 finals this week for me. I did find a room mate though and I have met some people I know I am going to be good friends with down in Florida. I cant wait.

If I havent already posted, my arrivial and depearture date is May 20th-Jan 2nd, but as of right now, it probally wont be till next may that I will depart. Thats right, I am planning on extending into the next program, that is if they are still letting students do that next semester. So nothing much going on with my life, ill try and vlog sometime this week. Ill talk to everyone later.
